Monday 11 April 2011


This is the evaluation of the whole of my coursework. I am going to write about not only the finished product of my magazine but also the production and the research. I am going to write about who the audience for my magazine is, how it represents the people who read it, how I made my magazine attract my audience, what I have learnt from constructing this product and finally looking back at my preliminary task and reviewing my progress.

First of all I am going to write who the audience for my media product would be. I think that for my media product the audience would be teenagers - young adults and my target audience research was based on people aged 16 - 19 so I think that my magazine would most likely attract people within 2-3years range of that e.g. going up to age 22 or even down to 13. My magazine is mostly based on chart music and also what is new in music however if the magazine was based on my own preferences it would contain a large variety of music. I think by basing my magazine on that it is likely to attract a young audience.

To address/attract my audience I went and looked at my target audience research and based my product on that as much as I could. The colour scheme that is used throughout the magazine was based on the colour scheme that was chosen through my target audience research, the colour scheme that has been used was the one that had the most votes so therefore by using it on the cover and throughout the magazine it is likely to attract that audience.
To make my magazine address/attract my target audience I referred to my target audience research a lot. On the questionnaires I handed out there was a question asking who/what my audience would like to see on the cover, whether it be a female solo artist, male solo artist or a group. Through my research I found that both male & female solo had roughly equal votes so therefore I had a choice of who to use for my cover. Whichever I picked was likely to appeal to my audience.
My research also included finding out what kind of music my audience listen to. Using this I can easily make my magazine address/attract my target audience as I am able to write cover lines & articles that will make my audience want to read the magazine. Due to the time of year & the fact that tickets would be going on sale soon I decided to use tours & festivals for cover lines, I also included cover lines about what is new in music. The final thing that I used to attract/address my audience was a cover star for the cover of my magazine; this was going to be the image that will draw people’s attention to my magazine so I decided to use one of my pictures from a recent concert I had been to. I used a photo I had taken of Lady Gaga when she was standing in front of me. I knew that using Lady Gaga would easily attract people to my magazine as she is currently the biggest star on the planet. Her latest single Born This Way went to #1 on all 23 iTunes countries within 4hours of release, her debut album went diamond worldwide, she has 5 Grammys, she is the most followed person on Twitter with over 9million followers, over 30+ million 'likes' on Face Book & is the queen of YouTube with over 1billion views and has only been in the UK since January 2009 & the US since October 2008. So by using Lady Gaga as the cover star for my magazine I knew that I would be able to attract my target audience easily.

My product represents is able to represent a particular social group as it was based on research into what 16 - 19 years olds like/prefer to see in music magazines.
By producing this I have learnt quite abit about the technologies used. I learnt about manipulating the image for the cover. I didn't just use the original image that was taken I had to cut the image for the cover so therefore it was just the figure.

Looking back at my preliminary task I feel that I have learnt a lot from that to the full product. When I look back at the preliminary task I don't think I put too much effort into it. It wasn't very colourful and wasn't very likely to attract anyone to the magazine. For the preliminary task the cutting of the image was very rough, the cover wasn't filled e.g. there was a lot of empty space around the main image and also the text wasn't very large so was very unlikely to attract anyone to the magazine. Also the colour scheme for the preliminary task was abit boring. It also didn't contain much information on the cover, e.g. For the preliminary task I personally don't think I would buy the magazine therefore I can't think that other people would want to buy the magazine, however with my final product I know that if I seen that magazine I would buy it so therefore I now think that other people would be likely to buy it too.

Audience Feedback - Cover, Contents Page & DPS (& Improvements)

Cover -
Audience feedback for the cover of my music magazine was that the cutting of the image needed to be improved. I will cut the image again to improve it therefore it will give the cover of my music magazine a more professional look.

Contents Page -
for my contents page the audience feedback was positive so therefore I won't need to make any improvements on my contents page.

For my double-page spread the audience feedback was that the size of text was too big. I will need to make the size of the text of smaller to make it look more like an article that would be featured in a professional music magazine, this also means that I will have to include more information in my article to fill the space created by resizing the text.


Monday 21 March 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Production

Here is my double page spread. It is not yet finished as it still needs a title for the main article. Down the centre of the page is my article which is a concert review of Lady Gaga's Monster Ball Tour. Down the right hand side of the page is another section called 'Coming to the UK' this is a short interview with American singer/song writer Jet Phynx. The interview will include Jet describing his debut album 'The ART' and about his trip to Toronto (March/April 2011).This is for 'Fashion Art Toronto' which is Toronto's fashion week.

Monday 14 March 2011

Music Magazine Contents Page Production

Here is the production of my contents page. It is not yet finished as I still havn't added any images to it yet. Down the right hand side of the page is the page title saying 'Contents'. Down the left hand side of the page is the cover lines from the magazine cover. This time they have more detail saying what the article is about underneath them, also next to each of the articles is a number, which is what page the article is featured on. Two of the articles have the same number this is because this is my double page spread & I am featuring both an article and an interview on that page. From the cover to the contents page I have kept the same colour scheme of reb, black, white and grey. This colour scheme was the one that recieved the most votes through my questionnaire. I am going to continue to use this colour scheme on my double page spread

For the articles that are featured on my contents page I am going to use images to illustrate the articles. For the 'What's new in music this month' article I have taken a picture of CD's that were released by artists from the start of 2011 and the end of 2010 so that the albums are either brand new or fairly new. The image on the left is the original image, the image on the right has been cropped and straightened.

For the article titled 'End of an Era' I have used an image from that I had I taken at one of the Lady Gaga concerts I attended last year. I used my photo from her encore which is symbolising the end of the show as the article is talking about her show coming to an end and the release of her new album which she is touring with at the end of 2011.

The article which is titled 'Coming to the UK' I am going to take a picture of the Union Jack. Rather than the American flag to symbolise that this is a British music magazine and even though it is still featuring American artists it is focusing on the effect the music will have on the UK chart and music industry.
For the article that is titled '2011 Festivals & Tours' I have taken pictures of my tickets that I had from concerts and shows I visited last year. I took two pictures and used two different angles but out of the two pictures I used I prefer the second one so that is the image that I will feature on my contents page.