Monday 14 March 2011

Music Magazine Cover Production

Here is what the cover for my magazine will look like. At the moment there is no image on the cover. For the image I'm going to use a picture that I took whilst at one of her concerts last year. I was at three of her shows last year (Newcastle,Manchester & London).
Featured on my magazine is a masthead 'Revoulution' placed on a red banner to make it stand out. Just below the masthead is a bar code and a price for the magazine, this is use to make it seem more realistic. There are four cover lines each with it's own story line. Across the middle of the page is the main cover line which is 'Lady Gaga' this is because I'm going to use an image of her on the front cover and also on my double page spread is going to be an article about her and the end of her tour. Although there is no story line about her on the cover, on the contents page there is information about the article that is on my double page spread. The contents page will also feature more information about each of the cover lines.


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